Ex-USAR officer & CIA analyst. Author of http://www.longstrangejourney.com, memoir of my CIA days. Views mine. RT may/may not = endorsement.
41 stories

Islamists Face Little Resistance In Their March Across Iraq

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The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria took two towns in Diyalah province. They already control Mosul and Tikrit, and say their goal is Baghdad. Meanwhile, pressure is building on the U.S. to stop them.

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3871 days ago
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Leak of powerful malware tool like “handing a bazooka to a child”

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Some of the goodies included with Carberp.

The recent leak of source code for a powerful piece of bank-fraud malware may spawn a surge of advanced botnet attacks carried out by copycat hackers who previously didn't have the skill to pull off such feats, security researchers warned.

Carberp, as the botnet-creation toolkit is known, previously sold in underground crime forums for as much as $40,000 a license. In the last week, source code for the crimeware began circulating online for free and can now be acquired by many people who have a few hours to poke around. While the leak is a boon for researchers who want to know as much as possible about the inner workings of sophisticated malware, it also comes with a dark side: it isn't that hard for malware newcomers to get their hands on the 1.88 GB package of code.

"In short, it does not take a genius to get a copy of the leaked source code, which makes this whole thing dangerous," Christopher Elisan, principal malware scientist in security firm RSA's FirstWatch department, wrote in a blog post published Friday. "Any script kiddie, who probably does not understand the technology, can use this which may result in dire consequences. It's like handing a bazooka to a child."

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4221 days ago
Annandale, VA
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Smearing Glenn Greenwald: The Gregorian Connection

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The campaign to demonize Edward Snowden, whose revelations about the National Security Agency’s ubiquitous and ongoing spying on the American public has the Obama regimein furious disrray, has taken on a new dimension – now they’re going after Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian reporter and columnist Snowden chose to tell his story. Glenn has already preempted [...]
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4221 days ago
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Is it fate? Dog links 2 wounded vets

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Karen Shirk puts a lot of thought into matching people with the right service dog. But one recent story has her convinced that larger forces are sometimes at work.
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4221 days ago
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Richard Stallman Speaks About Back Doors After NSA Documents Leak

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An anonymous reader writes "Companies such as Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, and Google are scrambling to restore trust amid fresh litigation over the PRISM surveillance program. Richard Stallman, the founder of the Free Software Foundation and a newly-inducted member of the 2013 Internet Hall of Fame, speaks about not only abandoning the cloud, which he warned about 5 years ago, but also escaping software with back doors. 'I don't think the US government should use operating systems made in China,' he says in this new interview, 'for the same reason that most governments shouldn't use operating systems made in the US and in fact we just got proof since Microsoft is now known to be telling the NSA about bugs in Windows before it fixes them.'"

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4221 days ago
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The US Army Is Blocking Staff Access to the Guardian Website

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The US Army Is Blocking Staff Access to the Guardian Website

After getting upset about the fact that Guardian has been breaking news and leaking classified documents about the many and varied spying programs of the NSA, the US Army has decided to block access to the news site among its employees.



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4221 days ago
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